HTML Colors

HTML Colors are used to set color for text. background color for HTML elements, color for linked text, color for visited links, sets a color for active links....

HTML Table

HTML table tag

is used to display data in tabular form such as row and column. There are many rows and columns in table....


what is cURL in php? - The cURL is a PHP based library and a command line tool that helps you transfer data over FTP, TPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE, and LDAP....

CSS Float

The CSS float property is used for positioning contents to left, right or none. CSS Float Property Values are left, right, inherit and none....

HTML Styles

The HTML style attribute is used to add styles to html an element such as color, font, size, background color, text align, padding, margin, border, width, height, float etc....

HTML marquee tag

The marquee tag is a non-standard HTML element which scrolls text or imag to up, down, left or right automatically....